Operational Quality Failure Issues: From Client Perspective

Diyana Syafiqah Abd Razak, Grant Mills, Aeli Roberts

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Many attempts have been made in defining, exploring and quantifying COQ in recent years. However, the occurrences of high failure and the cost in correcting it is still a significant concern to many. This study aims to appraise external failure cost within the complex construction supply chain, then to identify strategies to prevent and appraise quality as a means of reducing failure. This paper provides interim findings from an on-going study of external failure cost in the construction industry. It combines questionnaire responses, which shows the high level of maturity and influence of quality managers in dealing with external failure and interviews with seven project managers from a leading client in the UK construction industry. Interviews also showed the inter-relationship among project process, quality management systems and the occurrences of failure. Further research is needed to clarify the failure cost including an integrated measurement, yet to developed, for reducing the failure cost.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRICS COBRA 2018
PublisherRoyal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
ISBN (Print)9781783212644
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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