On utility-based superreplication prices of contingent claims with unbounded payoffs

Frank Oertel, Mark Owen

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4 Citations (Scopus)


The authors gratefully acknowledge support from EPSRC grant number GR/S80202/01. Consider a financial market in which an agent trades with utility-induced restrictions on wealth. For a utility function which satisfies the condition of reasonable asymptotic elasticity at -oo, we prove that the utility-based superreplication price of an unbounded (but sufficiently integrable) contingent claim is equal to the supremum of its discounted expectations under pricing measures with finite loss-entropy. For an agent whose utility function is unbounded from above, the set of pricing measures with finite loss-entropy can be slightly larger than the set of pricing measures with finite entropy. Indeed, the former set is the closure of the latter under a suitable weak topology. Central to our proof is a proof of the duality between the cone of utility-based superreplicable contingent claims and the cone generated by pricing measures with finite loss-entropy. © Applied Probability Trust 2007.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)880-888
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Applied Probability
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2007


  • Contingent claim
  • Duality theory
  • Incomplete market
  • Superreplication
  • Weak topology


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