Novel anti-infective compounds from marine bacteria

Hafizur Rahman, Brian Austin, Wilfrid J. Mitchell, Peter C. Morris, Derek J. Jamieson, David R. Adams, Andrew Mearns Spragg, Michael Schweizer

Research output: Contribution to journalLiterature reviewpeer-review

120 Citations (Scopus)


As a result of the continuous evolution of microbial pathogens towards antibiotic-resistance, there have been demands for the development of new and effective antimicrobial compounds. Since the 1960s, the scientific literature has accumulated many publications about novel pharmaceutical compounds produced by a diverse range of marine bacteria. Indeed, marine micro-organisms continue to be a productive and successful focus for natural products research, with many newly isolated compounds possessing potentially valuable pharmacological activities. In this regard, the marine environment will undoubtedly prove to be an increasingly important source of novel antimicrobial metabolites, and selective or targeted approaches are already enabling the recovery of a significant number of antibiotic-producing micro-organisms. The aim of this review is to consider advances made in the discovery of new secondary metabolites derived from marine bacteria, and in particular those effective against the so called "superbugs", including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE), which are largely responsible for the increase in numbers of hospital acquired, i.e., nosocomial, infections. © 2010 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)498-518
Number of pages21
JournalMarine Drugs
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2010


  • Antibiotic resistance
  • Hospital superbugs
  • Marine bacteria
  • MRSA
  • New scaffolds
  • Nosocomial infection
  • VRE


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