Noncommutative Gelfand Duality: the algebraic case

Federico Bambozzi, Matteo Capoferri, Simone Murro

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The goal of this paper is to define a notion of non-commutative Gelfand duality. Using techniques from derived algebraic geometry, we show that category of rings is anti-equivalent to a subcategory of pre-ringed spaces, inspired by Grothendieck's work on commutative rings. Our notion of spectrum, although formally reminiscent of the Grothendieck spectrum, is new; in particular, for commutative rings it does not always agree with the Grothendieck spectrum, but it always projects onto it. Remarkably, an appropriately defined relative version of our spectrum agrees with the Grothendieck spectrum for finitely generated commutative algebras over the complex numbers. This work aims to represent the starting point for a rigorous study of geometric properties of quantum spacetimes.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 18 Nov 2024


  • math.AG
  • math-ph
  • math.CT
  • math.MP
  • math.QA
  • 14A22


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