Nanomechanics of a magnetic shuttle device

Sergei I Kulinich, Leonid Y. Gorelik, A V Parafilo, Ilya V Krive, Robert I Shekhter, Y. W. Park, Mats Jonson

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    We show that self sustained mechanical vibrations in a model magnetic shuttle device can be driven by both the charge and the spin accumulated on the movable central island of the device. Different scenarios for how spin- and charge-induced shuttle instabilities may develop are discussed and shown to depend on whether there is a Coulomb blockade of tunneling or not. The crucial role of electronic spin flips in a magnetically driven shuttle is established and shown to cause giant magnetoresistance and dynamic magnetostriction effects.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number1.4897412
    Pages (from-to)907
    Number of pages8
    JournalLow Temperature Physics
    Issue number10
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2014


    • Nanomechanics
    • single-electron tunneling


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