Moduli spaces of maximally supersymmetric solutions on noncommutative tori and noncommutative orbifolds

Anatoly Konechny*, Albert Schwarz*

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12 Citations (Scopus)


A maximally supersymmetric configuration of super Yang-Mills living on a non-commutative torus corresponds to a constant curvature connection. On a non-commutative toroidal orbifold there is an additional constraint that the connection be equivariant. We study moduli spaces of (equivariant) constant curvature connections on non-commutative even-dimensional tori and on toroidal orbifolds. As an illustration we work out the cases of Bbb Z2 and Bbb Z4 orbifolds in detail. The results we obtain agree with a commutative picture describing systems of branes wrapped on cycles of the torus and branes stuck at exceptional orbifold points.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2 Oct 2000


  • (M)atrix Theories
  • Non-commutative geometry
  • String Duality


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