Modelling the Effects of Variable Tariffs on Domestic Electric Load Profiles by Use of Occupant Behavior Submodels

David Fischer, Bruce Stephen, Alexander Flunk, Niklas Kreifels, Karen Lindberg, Bernhard Wille-Haussmann, Edward Hugh Owens

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Emerging infrastructure for residential meter communication and data processing carries the potential to control household electrical demand within local power system constraints. Deferral of load control can be incentivised through electricity tariff price structure which can in turn reshape a daily load profile. This paper presents a stochastic bottom-up model designed to predict the change in domestic electricity profile invoked by consumer reaction to electricity unit price, with submodels comprising user behaviour, price
response and dependency between behaviour and electric demand. The developed models are used to analyse the demand side management potential of the most relevant energy consuming activities through a simulated German household demonstrating that in the given scenario 8% of the annual electricity demand is shifted, leading to a 35 Euro annual saving. However, a 7% higher than average peak load results from the structure of the tariff signal modelled herein. A discussion on selected aspects for tariff design for categories of typical household appliances is included.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2685-2693
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 22 Mar 2016


  • demand management
  • Energy demands
  • Energy use behaviour
  • Occupancy comfort
  • Stochastic systems
  • Electricity Demand


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