Modelling of a chemisorption refrigeration and power cogeneration system

Huashan Bao, Yaodong Wang, Anthony Roskilly

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The present work for the first time explores the possibility of a small-scale cogeneration unit by combining solid–gas chemisorption refrigeration cycle and a scroll expander. The innovation in this work is the capability of producing refrigeration and electricity continuously and simultaneously without aggravating the energy scarcity and environmental impact. Individual modelling for each component, which has been validated by experimental data, was firstly investigated in order to identify the proper operation condition for the cogeneration mode achieving 1000 W power output. Subsequently, with the integrated modelling of two components the cogeneration performance was studied to demonstrate the viability of this concept. However, because of the mutual constraint between the chemisorption and the expansion when they link in series, the power output of the cogeneration mode was only around one third of the original expectation under the same condition identified in the individual modelling. Methods of improving the global performance including the selection of reactive mediums were also discussed and would be of referable value for the future practical investigation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)351-362
Number of pages12
JournalApplied Energy
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2014


  • Cogeneration
  • chemisorption
  • scroll expander
  • numerical modelling
  • power generation
  • Refrigeration


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