Mode discrimination in CO2 slab lasers using grooved surface electrodes

A. M. Hornby, H. J. Baker, D. R. Hall

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Mode discrimination in CO2 slab lasers using grooved surface electrodes is presented. The degree of lateral mode discrimination is determined by the tilt of the resonator mirrors in the vertical direction. Mirror tilt in the vertical direction increases the interaction between the lateral modes and the grooves, causing mode selection. Power reduction is caused by the large vertical tilt, and future work will use double sided electrode grooves to improve the mode selection loss.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 1994
EventProceedings of the 21st International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC'94) - Anaheim, CA, USA
Duration: 8 May 199413 May 1994


ConferenceProceedings of the 21st International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC'94)
CityAnaheim, CA, USA


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