Minority ethnic communities and housing: access, experiences and participation

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)

    4 Citations (Scopus)


    This chapter will consider some of the key issues affecting minority ethnic access to housing and their experiences within the housing system in the UK. This will include a critical analysis of existing housing tenure patterns and possible reasons underlying the disproportionate under-representation of certain communities in social housing, despite their disadvantaged socio-economic status. Research suggests that as well as the desire for home ownership, key barriers to the social rented sector among these communities include lack of familiarity with social housing and their entitlement to it, the shortage of appropriately sized housing, discriminatory allocation procedures and fear of racial harassment. The chapter will then move on to consider the sharp end of minority ethnic lack of access to housing, that is, homelessness. The specific vulnerabilities of certain groups to this phenomenon, including Gypsy Travellers, refugees and women facing domestic violence will be illuminated. Recent policy initiatives in the allocation of social housing, notably, choice-based lettings, will be introduced and their potential for addressing some of the existing inequalities considered. The final part of the chapter will include an analysis of the extent to which minority ethnic communities have been able to influence and participate in the housing agenda, with specific reference to the role of ‘black-led’ housing associations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationUnderstanding Race and Ethnicity
    Subtitle of host publicationTheory, history, policy and practice
    EditorsGary Craig, Karl Atkin, Sangeeta Chattoo, Ronny Flynn
    Place of PublicationBristol
    PublisherPolicy Press
    ISBN (Print)9781847427700
    Publication statusPublished - 22 Feb 2012

    Publication series

    NameUnderstanding Welfare: Social Issues, Policy and Practice series
    PublisherPoilcy Press


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