Minimal size of structural μFE models of trabecular bone to predict the apparent stiffness

Ulrich Simon, J. Abel, U. Wolfram, Lutz Claes

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The mechanical properties of trabecular bone are strongly determined by its complex structure. Physiological and pathological remodelling processes (osteoporosis) can change this structure with serious consequences for its strength. High resolution computer tomography (μCT) provides data to generate Finite Element models (μFE models) [1, 2] to study these effects. Regarding the quality of such micro-structural models it is still unclear, which minimal size they should have to be able to predict apparent mechanical properties. It was the aim of this work to answer this question.

[1] Homminga et al. (2001), J Biomech: 513-517.
[2] Kabel et al. (1999). Bone: 115-120.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Biomechanics
Issue numberSupplement 1
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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