Microspectroscopy of ultrafast laser inscribed channel waveguides in Yb: tungstate crystals

F. M. Bain*, W. F. Silva, A. A. Lagatsky, R. R. Thomson, N. D. Psaila, A. K. Kar, W. Sibbett, D. Jaque, C. T A Brown

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8 Citations (Scopus)


We report microspectroscopy measurements of crystalline channel waveguides fabricated in Yb:KGd (WO4)2 and Yb:KY (WO 4)2 using the ultrafast laser inscription technique. From these measurements we find that densification of the WO2 W bridge in the double tungstate crystal lattice is responsible for the refractive index increase, which creates the waveguide confinement. We identified that shifts toward lower energies in the ~760 cm-1 Raman mode indicate regions, which guide light polarized along the crystallographic b axis, while higher energy shifts in the 682 and 898 cm-1 Raman lines correspond to guiding regions for light polarized along the crystallographic a axis. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number141108
Number of pages3
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number14
Publication statusPublished - 4 Apr 2011




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