Microbial carbonates: a sampling and measurement challenge for petrophysics addressed by capturing the bioarchitectural components

Patrick William Michael Corbett, Felipe Yuji Hayashi, Michael Saad Alves, Zeyun Jiang, Haitao Wang, Vasily Demyanov, Alessandra Machado, Leonardo Borghi, Narendra Srivastava

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMicrobial Carbonates in Space and Time: Implications for Global Exploration and Production
Subtitle of host publicationSpecial Publication
EditorsDan Bosence, Kate Gibbons, Dan Le Heron, W Morgan, Tim Pritchard, Bernie Vining
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherGeological Society of London
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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