Metastable decay rates, asymptotic expansions, and analytic continuation of thermodynamic functions

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14 Citations (Scopus)


The grand potential P(z)/kT of the cluster model at fugacity z, neglecting interactions between clusters, is defined by a power series ?nQnzn, where Qn, which depends on the temperature T, is the "partition function" of a cluster of size n. At low temperatures this series has a finite radius of convergence zs. Some theorems are proved showing that if Qn, considered as a function of n, is the Laplace transform of a function with suitable properties, then P(z) can be analytically continued into the complex z plane cut along the real axis from zs to +8 and that (a) the imaginary part of P(z) on the cut is (apart from a relatively unimportant prefactor) equal to the rate of nucleation of the corresponding metastable state, as given by Becker-Döring theory, and (b) the real part of P(z) on the cut is approximately equal to the metastable grand potential as calculated by truncating the divergent power series at its smallest term. © 1995 Plenum Publishing Corporation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)267-283
Number of pages17
JournalJournal of Statistical Physics
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - Jan 1995


  • analytic continuation
  • asymptotic expansions
  • cluster model
  • complex fugacity plane
  • lattice gases
  • Metastability


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