MBE growth and characterization of MgS-rich zinc-blende Zn xMg1-xS1-ySey alloys

Richard T. Moug, Christine Bradford, Damien Thuau, Arran Curran, Richard J. Warburton, Kevin A. Prior

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Samples containing ZnMgSSe alloy were grown by using molecular beam epitaxy at 240 °C and were analyzed by using X-ray interference. The alloy composition was found to be Zn0.20Mg0.80S 0.64Se0.36. The surfaces of these layers were found to be extremely flat, unlike MgS layers of similar thickness grown under identical conditions, which show pronounced ridges. Structures with Zn 0.20Mg0.80S0.64Se0.36 barriers were grown with ZnSe quantum wells and showed good quantum confinement with a sharp PL peak. Calculations of the phase stability of ZnMgSSe alloys suggest that an alloy of this composition should phase separate. However, samples with this composition are demonstrably single phase, and the discrepancy with the calculation can be removed if the enthalpy of formation of zinc-blende MgS is reduced by less than 2 % to -231 kJ mol-1.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3004-3006
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of the Korean Physical Society
Issue number5 PART 2
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2008


  • Alloy stability
  • MgS
  • Quantum wells
  • ZnMgSSe


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