Manifesting Change: Developing Change Agents in a Digitalised World

Tom Pfefferkorn*, Julian Randall, Florian Scheuring

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This chapter explores the impact of equality, diversity, and inclusivity (EDI) on internal change agents’ (ICAs) personal and professional development. We have surveyed 117 ICAs that undergo a four-year digital development programme at Edinburgh Business School (EBS). Our survey design draws from expectancy, surprise, sensemaking, and attribution theories to test four hypotheses using Spearman’s rank. We found that diversity features such as gender, age, sector affiliation, work experience, management responsibility, and programme stage do not strongly impact ICAs’ experience of personal and professional development. Surprisingly, some diversity features had a modest or moderate impact on ICAs’ experience of personal and professional development. This disconfirmed our basic assumption about the effectiveness of inclusivity practices in the digital development programme at EBS. We conclude that future research should further investigate the impact of evaluation on ICAs’ personal and professional development and how we can secure it in a digital Business School context.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationContemporary Approaches in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Strategic and Technological Perspectives:
EditorsBerk Kucukaltan
PublisherEmerald Publishing Limited
Number of pages22
ISBN (Electronic)9781804550892
ISBN (Print)9781804550908
Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2023

Publication series

NameInternational Perspectives on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
ISSN (Print)2051-2333


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