Loads on Entrance Platforms for Offshore Wind Turbines

Peter Frigaard, Thomas Lykke Andersen, Jorge Robert Rodriguez Ramirez, Søren Peder Hyldal Sørensen, Luca Martinelli, Alberto Lamberti, Peter Troch, Leen de Vos, Dogan Kisacik, Vasiliki Stratigaki, Qing-Ping Zou, Kieran Monk, Johan Vandamme, Mathilde Lindhardt Damsgaard, Helge Gravesen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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The present paper gives an overview of the performed large scale tests in GWK, Hannover for studying wave run-up generated forces on wind turbine entrance platforms. The run-up height and velocity was measured by use of high speed video recordings supplemented by some wave gauges mounted at the pile. Hereafter, the run-up generated impact forces were measured on two types of grates and a solid plate. The pressure distribution was also measured for the solid plate. In addition to this the wave generated backfilling of an initial scour hole and the strength of the backfilling soil was studied. The purpose of all the tests was to study scale effects related to the above items by comparison with small scale tests and also to present new guidelines for design.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the HYDRALAB III Joint User Meeting
PublisherForschungszentrum Küste FZK
Number of pages4
ISBN (Print)9783000301414
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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