Laser assisted system and method for bonding of surfaces, microcavity for packaging MEMS devices

Changhai Wang (Inventor), Duncan Paul Hand (Inventor), Fabrice Bardin (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present application relates to a system (51) and method for bonding surfaces that allows the production of microcavities suitable for accommodating MEMs devices or other devices that require cavity encapsulation or sealing. Laser directing means (55) are used to selectively direct a laser beam (53) onto an area of a surface to selectively heat the area of the surface in thermal contact with a curable adhesive to cause the curable adhesive to bond to the surface. The laser may be directed to the curable adhesive using a mask (57) , optical manipulation of the beam (53) or a combination of these techniques. The system and method reduce the stressing of the substrate by targeting the heat onto the areas, which require heat to cure the adhesive.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberPCT/GB2006/001971
IPCB23K 26/08 (2006.01), B81C 5/00 (2006.01), B23K 26/06 (2006.01), B23K 101/40 (2006.01), B81B 7/00 (2006.01)
Priority date27/05/05
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2006


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