Laguerre tessellations and polycrystalline microstructures: A fast algorithm for generating grains of given volumes

David Bourne, Piet J. J. Kok, Steven M. Roper, Wil D. T. Spanjer

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We present a fast algorithm for generating Laguerre diagrams with cells of given volumes, which can be used for creating RVEs of polycrystalline materials for computational homogenisation, or for fitting Laguerre diagrams to EBSD or XRD measurements of metals. Given a list of desired cell volumes, we solve a convex optimisation problem to find a Laguerre diagram with cells of these volumes, up to any prescribed tolerance. The algorithm is built on tools from computational geometry and optimal transport theory which, as far as we are aware, have not been applied to microstructure modelling before. We illustrate the speed and accuracy of the algorithm by generating RVEs with user-defined volume distributions with up to 20,000 grains in 3D. We can achieve volume percentage errors of less than 1% in the order of minutes on a standard desktop PC. We also give examples of polydisperse microstructures with bands, clusters and size gradients, and of fitting a Laguerre diagram to 3D EBSD measurements of an IF steel.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2677-2707
Number of pages31
JournalPhilosophical Magazine
Issue number21
Early online date24 Jul 2020
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Laguerre diagrams
  • foams
  • grains
  • polycrystalline materials
  • power diagrams
  • volume distribution

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Condensed Matter Physics


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