Jumps, cusps and fractals in the solution of the periodic linear Benjamin-Ono equation

Lyonell Boulton, Breagh Macpherson, Beatrice Pelloni

Research output: Working paper

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We establish two complementary results about the regularity of the solution of the periodic initial value problem for the linear Benjamin-Ono equation. We first give a new simple proof of the statement that, for a dense countable set of the time variable, the solution is a finite linear combination of copies of
the initial condition and of its Hilbert transform. In particular, this implies
that discontinuities in the initial condition are propagated in the solution as logarithmic cusps. We then show that, if the initial condition is of bounded variation (and even if it is not continuous), for almost every time the graph of the solution in space is continuous but fractal, with upper Minkowski dimension equal to 3/2. In order to illustrate this striking dichotomy, in the final section we include accurate numerical evaluations of the solution profile, as well as estimates of its box-counting dimension for two canonical choices of irrational time.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jan 2025


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