Judiciary Interpreting and Legal Translation Bibliography & Database

Eloisa Monteoliva

Research output: Other contribution

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This is a comprehensive literature review in judiciary interpreting, including the courts, law enforcement, prisons and related fields. Interpreters, translators, researchers, educators. There are two .pdf versions of the bibliography that include the same collection of annotated works, each of them following a different order: alphabetical (by author) and chronological (from oldest to newest). Each annotation is followed by a number of keywords that offer a brief context for the annotation. You may download the bibliography by authors or by dates below. Also available, as a result of this same project, is a searchable database in Excel that can be downloaded below as well.
Original languageEnglish
TypeJudiciary Interpreting and Legal Translation Bibliography & Database
Media of outputDigital platform/online
Number of pages48
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2016


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