Investigations of ZnO thin films grown on c-Al2O3 by pulsed laser deposition in N2 + O2 ambient

D. J. Rogers, D. C. Look, F. Hosseini Téhérani, K. Minder, M. Razeghi, A. Largeteau, G. Demazeau, J. Morrod, K. A. Prior, A. Lusson, S. Hassani

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16 Citations (Scopus)


ZnO films were deposited on c-Al2O3 using pulsed laser deposition both with and without N2 in the growth ambient. X-ray diffraction revealed poorer crystal quality and surface morphology for one-step growths with N2 in the ambient. A marked improvement in both the crystallographic and surface quality was obtained through use of two-step growths employing nominally undoped ZnO buffer layers prior to growth with N2 in the ambient. All films showed majority n-type conduction in Hall measurements. Post-annealing for 30 minutes at 600 °C in O2 systematically reduced both the carrier concentration and the conductivity. A base room temperature carrier concentration of ~ 1016 cm -3 was linked to Al diffusing from the substrate. 4.2 K photoluminescence spectra exhibited blue bands associated with the growths having N2 in the ambient. Temperature dependent Hall measurements were consistent with N being incorporated in the films. Processed devices did not, however, show rectifying behaviour or electroluminescence. © 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3084-3087
Number of pages4
JournalPhysica Status Solidi C - Current Topics in Solid State Physics
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Event34th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors - Kyoto, Japan
Duration: 15 Oct 200718 Oct 2007


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