Investigation of the efficacy of hydration regimes and a novel nutrient-rich media on yeast propagation, fermentative activity and distillate yield and composition in potato-based spirit

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


Optimisation of yeast viability and vitality prior to pitching is highly desirable in alcoholic fermentations in order to minimise the lag period at the start of fermentation. This aids in preventing the possible impact of contamination and in increasing distillery throughput. The efficacy of a novel, nutrient-rich solution of banana extract as a yeast metabolism enhancer was studied. Dried Saccharomyces cerevisiae distiller’s yeast and slurried Brettanomyces lambicus Belgium Lambic yeast were subjected to a range of hydration regimes: water, water + enhancer, Yeast Extract–Peptone–Dextrose (YPD) and YPD + enhancer.
The addition of enhancer on hydration was found to significantly increase the mean cell count during subsequent propagation. Initial studies also found an increase in fermentation rate and ethanol production in fermentations using YPD + enhancer in hydration.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sept 2021
Event7th Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference: The spirit of diversity, knowledge and innovation - Virtual
Duration: 6 Sept 20218 Sept 2021


Conference7th Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference
Abbreviated titleWDSC 2021
Internet address


  • yeast nutrition
  • baclyte
  • fermentation
  • distilling
  • vodka


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