Investigation into Abrasion Resistance of Dyed Fabrics made of Recycled and Standard Cotton Fibres

Danmei Sun, Tamsin Broman

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Sustainability of textiles and fashion has been paid attention in recent years. Till now recycling of unwanted clothing into new source of textile materials is one that isn’t being explored as intensively as other areas. This research brings to light the valuable source of recycled cotton fibres and to explore ways in which consumers can be made more aware of thesis garments. Fabrics from pairs of jeans, one made of standard cotton fibre and the other made of combination of standard and recycled cotton have been studied. Their abrasion resistance property has been investigated and comparisons were made to identify the quality of the recycled cotton fibres as sustainable alternative to standard cotton fibres.
Original languageEnglish
Article number00006
JournalJournal of Textile Engineering and Fashion Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jan 2017


  • Recycled jean
  • property comparison
  • abrasion resistance


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