Investigating the Effect of Green Finance Initiatives on Renewable Energy Penetration in Europe

Tibor Szendrei, Andrea Eross, Mustapha Mohammed, Erkal Ersoy

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As climate change becomes an ever-present problem, efforts have been made to make energy generation greener. One key tool to encourage renewable energy generation are feed-in-tariff policies, which have been employed in various countries across Europe. Us- ing quarterly data, this study investigates the impact these policies had on carbon emis- sions and macroeconomic factors in European countries for the period 2011-2021. To achieve this, an energy augmented production function is postulated and estimated using a Bayesian Global VAR framework. We find large degree of heterogeneity in the impact of feed-in-tariffs have on renewable energy penetration across the countries. Furthermore, negative externalities of simultaneous employment of green finance is found, highlighting that some coordination might be necessary to maximise the impact of such policies in achieving the goal of a greener energy profile.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages67
Publication statusIn preparation - 7 Mar 2024


  • Bayesian Global VAR
  • Feed-in-tariff
  • GIRF
  • renewable energy
  • spillover effects
  • energy policy


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