Inter-specific hybrid sesame with high lignan content in oil reveals increased expression of sesamin synthase gene

Debabrata Dutta, Ranjana Prasad, Gaurab Gangopadhyay

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


The presence of lignans (sesamin, sesamol) adds pharmaceutical value in the sesame oil. Wild sesame, Sesamum mulayanum, though less oil-yielding but contains remarkably higher lignan in oil. We performed an interspecific hybridization between cultivated Indian sesame (S. indicum) and S. mulayanum to bring a better oil profile in the cultivated sesame. The selected recombinant lines of F6 generation showed high oil content with a superior lignan profile and manifested distinct phenotypic selection traits. Sesamin synthase is an essential enzyme in the lignan biosynthetic pathway. We studied the gene behind this enzyme during seed development in the parents through semi-quantitative and qRT-PCR analysis. The recombinant lines with high sesamin content showed increased expression of sesamin synthase gene. This gene is a potential candidate for allele-based molecular marker development in future sesame breeding programme.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7-18
JournalThe Nucleus
Early online date19 May 2021
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022


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