Integrating value management into sustainable construction projects in Hong Kong

Ann Yu, Arshad Javed, Tsun Lam, Geoffrey Shen, Ming Sun

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Integrating sustainability into the value management (VM) process can provide a strategic platform for promoting and incorporating sustainable design and development during the lifespans of construction projects. The aim of this study was to investigate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) for integrating sustainability into the VM process in Hong Kong.
Following an extensive literature review, 45 attributes were identified and grouped into Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat elements. A questionnaire survey based on these groupings was supported by a semi-structured interviews with public sector clients, value managers and VM facilitators. They shared their experience and views on how to integrate sustainability into the VM exercises.
The triangulated results of the survey and interviews are presented in this paper. The ranking of the SWOT analysis results indicate that VM does provide opportunities for multidisciplinary professionals and stakeholders to focus on issues relating to society and the environment, which is considered a main strength. The major weakness of integration is the lack of well-trained staff and low levels of VM participant expertise in relation to the sustainable construction issue.
Current practices generally neglect integration of sustainability into the VM process due to cost and time constraints. There are ample strengths and opportunities recommended by this study for integrating sustainability into the VM process which are beneficial for the clients and contractors for achieving value for money and meeting sustainability targets.
There are immense opportunities for integrating sustainability into the VM process, including encouragement of the reduction, reuse and recycling of construction and demolition waste. However, threats presented by integration include the additional time and costs required for achieving sustainability targets.
Findings and recommendations provided in this paper should be helpful to decision makers including clients and VM facilitators for the successful integration of the sustainability concept into the VM process.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1475-1500
Number of pages26
JournalEngineering, Construction and Architectural Management
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 12 Mar 2018


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