Integrating prior knowledge through multiple kernel learning for the prediction of petroleum reservoir properties

Vasily Demyanov, Michael Andrew Christie

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Prediction of petroleum reservoir properties such as permeability and porosity can be enhanced by including prior knowledge in the form of multiple possible geological scenarios. The difficulty in integrating prior beliefs is in the diversity of the information available. This knowledge is often conflicting, heterogeneous and scale dependant. In this paper we show how Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) uses data fusion to integrate prior knowledge in the form of possible prior geological scenarios to predict the spatial distribution of permeability & porosity. MKL
    integrates the data in an intelligent way, preserving the complex relationships between the prior knowledge and the predictions with the use of individual kernels. The proposed approach addresses the problem of uncertainty of the geological scenarios created based on sparseness of data and various modelling assumptions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2011
    EventIAMG 2011 Conference - Salzburg, Austria
    Duration: 5 Sept 20119 Sept 2011


    ConferenceIAMG 2011 Conference


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