Information system methodologies in game industries: Session O-25:110018_ISAGA2009

Zoe Kosmadoudi, Robert John Pooley, Theodore Lim, James Millar Ritchie, Raymond Sung

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Today’s increased games complexity force the game design industries to increase
team sizes, asset requirements, person hour investment and required capital from
investors to support it all. Information System Methodologies (ISM) creates
opportunities for essential improvements in various aspects of the gaming business
(communication, acceleration of product/service development, cost reduction). This
paper investigates the ISM used in game industries; particularly the way a software
process is employed and its effect in the game development process. The game
methodology pattern derived will be tested in the development of engineering scenarios which can model the process of game development and so improve the direction, level, and persistence of the developers in producing engineering applications.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLearn to Game, Game to Learn, Proceedings of the 40th Conference ISAGA 2009
PublisherSociety of Simulation and Gaming of Singapore
Number of pages11
ISBN (Print)978-981-08-3769-3
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2009
EventLearn to Game, Game to Learn; Proceedings of the 40th Conference - Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 29 Jun 20093 Jul 2009


ConferenceLearn to Game, Game to Learn; Proceedings of the 40th Conference
Abbreviated titleISAGA 2009


  • game development methodologies
  • information system methodology
  • engineering concepts


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