Implementation of XFEM in the study of gear crack propagation behaviour using the SIF on different moments

Fung Zen Hiung, Haidar F. Al-Qrimli, Kenobi Isima Morris

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The application of gears especially spur gear are widely available in most engineering applications. Especially for high module steel spur gear, it is used extensively in heavy machineries such as crane and metal crusher. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid catastrophic damage on gear by understanding the crack behaviour. Provided the crack does not propagate into the rim, only minor accidents are likely to happen or else catastrophe may be expected again. Therefore, the study of crack behaviour on stress intensity factor (SIF) with different magnitude of moment was conducted. This study had implemented the application of extended finite element method (XFEM) in ABAQUS to overcome the limitations of a conventional method, the finite element method (FEM). The need of re-meshing was avoided in this simulation. The crack propagation pathways were visualised using the “STATUSXFEM”
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)362-368
Number of pages7
JournalInternational Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling
Issue number3-4
Early online date21 Jul 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 21 Jul 2017


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