Immiscible flow behaviour in laminated and cross-bedded sandstones

P. S. Ringrose, K. S. Sorbie, P. W M Corbett, J. L. Jensen

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    166 Citations (Scopus)


    In this paper, we describe models of water/oil displacement in typical, geologically-structured media. We focus specifically on laminated and cross-bedded structures, since these are almost ubiquitous in clastic sedimentary reservoirs. The importance, for field-scale models, of properly representing the interaction of viscous, capillary and gravitational forces with small-scale heterogeneity is clearly demonstrated. Because the length-scale, d?, of sedimentary lamination is of order 10-3 to 10-2 m, capillary forces, which are inversely proportional to d?, may play a very significant role in determining the effective flow behaviour at larger scales. We show that there are important differences in oil recovery between cross-layer flow and along-layer flow. Differences of up to a factor of two in ultimate recovery may be produced by different representations of realistic clastic sedimentary structure (such as parallel lamination, cross-lamination and small-scale faulting). The significance of these findings is in determining the correct scale-up procedure for the multiphase effective flow parameters. We use the term geopseudo to describe correctly-scaled, multi-phase, pseudofunctions which capture the effects of small-scale sedimentary structure. Field-scale reservoir models must take account of these small-scale effects in order to lay claim to reasonable accuracy in production forecasts. © 1993.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)103-124
    Number of pages22
    JournalJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 1993


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