Image replication with diffractive structures

Andrew R. Harvey, Douglas A. Payne, M. A G Smith, Maurice Stanley, Chris W. Slinger

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Many techniques have been described in the literature for generating spot arrays from a single input beam. When such a device is used for image replication (IR), the finite field of view unavoidably introduces optical aberrations that reduce the fidelity of the replicated images. Fourier array generators offer a low-cost and flexible method of image replication with lower optical aberrations than other methods and aberrations that are sufficiently low for replication of extended images. Using multicriteria optimisation, two-dimensional Fourier array generator-based optical systems can be designed with high diffraction efficiency and near-diffraction-limited imaging performance across an extended field of view.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51-61
Number of pages11
JournalProceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 2001
EventAlgorithms and Systems for Optical Information Processing - San Diego, CA, United States
Duration: 31 Jul 20012 Aug 2001


  • Dammann gratings
  • Diffractive optics
  • Fourier array generators
  • Image replication


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