Hybrid WDM/OCDMA for next generation access network

Xu Wang, Naoya Wada, T. Miyazaki, G. Cincotti, Ken Ichi Kitayama

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

18 Citations (Scopus)


Hybrid wavelength division multiplexing/optical code division multiple access (WDM/OCDMA) passive optical network (PON), where asynchronous OCDMA traffic transmits over WDM network, can be one potential candidate for gigabit-symmetric fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) services. In a cost-effective WDM/OCDMA network, a large scale multi-port encoder/decoder can be employed in the central office, and a low cost encoder/decoder will be used in optical network unit (ONU). The WDM/OCDMA system could be one promising solution to the symmetric high capacity access network with high spectral efficiency, cost effective, good flexibility and enhanced security. Asynchronous WDM/OCDMA systems have been experimentally demonstrated using superstructured fiber Bragg gratings (SSFBG) and muti-port OCDMA en/decoders. The total throughput has reached above Tera-bit/s with spectral efficiency of about 0.41. The key enabling techniques include ultra-long SSFBG, multi-port E/D with high power contrast ratio, optical thresholding, differential phase shift keying modulation with balanced detection, forward error correction, and etc. Using multi-level modulation formats to carry multi-bit information with single pulse, the total capacity and spectral efficiency could be further enhanced.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOptical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems V
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventOptical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems V - Wuhan, China
Duration: 2 Nov 20075 Nov 2007


ConferenceOptical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems V


  • Arrayed waveguide grating
  • Fiber Bragg grating
  • Forward error correction
  • Inter-channel cross-talk
  • Multiple access interference
  • Optical code division multiple access
  • Wavelength multiplexing


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