Housing and Poverty: a longitudinal analysis

Mark Stephens, Christian Mark Leishman

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Cross-sectional research suggests that the British housing system weakens the link between income poverty and housing outcomes, but this reveals little about the longer-term relationships. We examine the relationship between income poverty and housing pathways over an 18 year period to 2008, and develop consensual approaches to poverty estimation, housing deprivation, and the prevalence of under and over-consumption. We find that chronic poverty is most strongly associated with housing pathways founded in social renting, whereas housing pathways founded in owner-occupation are more strongly associated with temporary poverty. Whilst housing deprivation is disproportionately prevalent among those who experienced chronic poverty, the overwhelming majority of people who experienced chronic poverty avoided housing deprivation. This evidence supports of the notion that the housing system, during this period, weakened the link between poverty and housing deprivation. It can be characterised as representing a ’sector regime’ with different distributional tendencies from the wider welfare regime.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1039-1061
JournalHousing Studies
Issue number8
Early online date28 Feb 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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