Homogenisation of nonlinear Dirichlet problems in randomly perforated domains under minimal assumptions on the size of perforations

Lucia Scardia, Konstantinos Zemas, Caterina Ida Zeppieri

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In this paper we study the convergence of nonlinear Dirichlet problems for systems of variational elliptic PDEs defined on randomly perforated domains of Rn. Under the assumption that the perforations are small balls whose centres and radii are generated by a stationary short-range marked point process, we obtain in the critical-scaling limit an averaged nonlinear analogue of the extra term obtained in the classical work of Cioranescu and Murat (Res Notes Math III, 1982). In analogy to the random setting recently introduced by Giunti, Höfer and Velázquez (Commun Part Differ Equ43(9):1377–1412, 2018) to study the Poisson equation, we only require that the random radii have finite (n − q)-moment, where 1 < q < n is the growth-exponent of the associated energy functionals. This assumption on the one hand ensures that the expectation of the nonlinear q-capacity of the spherical holes is finite, and hence that the limit problem is well defined. On the other hand, it does not exclude the presence of balls with large radii, that can cluster up. We show however that the critical rescaling of the perforations is sufficient to ensure that no percolating-like structures appear in the limit.
Original languageEnglish
JournalProbability Theory and Related Fields
Early online date17 Sept 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 17 Sept 2024


  • 35B27
  • 35J15
  • 35J57
  • 49J45
  • 60F15
  • 60G55

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Analysis
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty


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