Homelessness prevention in the UK: Policy briefing

Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Peter Mackie, Jenny Wood

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


There has been marked innovation and policy mobilityon homelessness prevention since devolution. Using a five category prevention typology (Universal, Targeted, Crisis, Emergency, Recovery) reveals how early developments in Scotland focused on Emergency Prevention - ensuring that all homeless people have an enforceable right to temporary accommodation. However, most effort has recently been expended on Crisis Prevention, whereby people at risk of homelessness within 56 days are assisted to remain or secure alternative accommodation. Legislative developments in Crisis Prevention in Wales and England have proved effective, albeit there is sometimes a gap between intentions of the law and current practice. Progress on Targeted Prevention with high-risk groups, such as those leaving prison, has been slower to develop across the UK. General homelessness risks have increased as a result of welfare reform and housing market pressures, undermining Universal Prevention. Single people sleeping rough or at risk often remain poorly protected, but there are promising policy initiatives underway, especially on Recovery Prevention.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2019


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