Hollow-core photonic crystal fibres for gas-based nonlinear optics

Philip St. J. Russell, Philipp Hölzer, W. Chang, Amir Abdolvand, J. C. Travers

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539 Citations (Scopus)


Unlike the capillaries conventionally used for gas-based spectral broadening of ultrashort (<100 fs) multi-millijoule pulses, which produce only normal dispersion at usable pressure levels, hollow-core photonic crystal fibres provide pressure-adjustable normal or anomalous dispersion. They also permit low-loss guidance in a hollow channel that is about ten times narrower and has a 100-fold-higher effective nonlinearity than capillary-based systems. This has led to several dramatic results, including soliton compression to few-cycle pulses, widely tunable deep-ultraviolet light sources, novel soliton–plasma interactions and multi-octave Raman frequency combs. A new generation of versatile and efficient gas-based light sources, which are tunable from the vacuum ultraviolet to the near infrared, and of versatile and efficient pulse compression devices is emerging.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)278-286
Number of pages9
JournalNature Photonics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2014


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