History Matching and Multi-Objective Optimization of WAG injection in a Giant Carbonate Reservoir

Saeeda Al Ameri, Sebastian Geiger, Mohamed Al-Breiki

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In this study we develop and use two alternative history matched scenarios for a giant carbonate reservoir in the Middle East, for which a miscible Water Alternating Gas (MWAG) injection is currently being implemented. These scenarios address different geological uncertainties. While the quality of both history matches is adequate, they also have different production forecasts. We hence perform an optimization study for each scenario to identify how miscible gas injection can be best converted to MWAG while considering the field’s operational constraints and cross-compare the results. A particular challenge of this study is to deal with the competing objectives, i.e. maximizing plateau while
minimizing gas production. We address this challenge by using a multi-objective optimization framework to identify well controls for the two history matched scenarios that increase the likelihood of success for the MWAG injection. Our work shows the need for considering different geological scenarios when using reservoir simulation studies to improve production performance in giant carbonate reservoirs.


ConferenceFirst EAGE Reservoir Characterization and Modelling Workflows for Giant Carbonate Field Developments of the Middle East
Country/TerritoryUnited Arab Emirates
CityAbu Dhabi
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