Historic Scotland Technical Paper 9: Slim-profile Double Glazing; Thermal Performance and Embodied Energy

Gillian Frances Menzies

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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    Historic Scotland Technical Paper 9 consists of three research reports presenting the results
    and analysis of studies on the thermal performance and embodied energy of slim-profile
    double glazing. Other factors, such as appearance, cost or practicalities of slim-profile
    double glazing or secondary glazing are not considered in this Technical Paper. Two of the
    research reports were part of a wider project, developed and led by Changeworks for the
    City of Edinburgh Council from March 2009 to March 2010.
    Slim-profile double glazing is of smaller thickness than conventional double glazing. Due to
    this slimness, it is, in many cases, possible to fit it into windows designed for single glazing.
    For the research, the thermal performance of ten slim-profile double-glazing systems was
    measured, and the performance of the whole windows calculated from the measurements.
    For comparison, a single-glazed window was calculated with and without secondary glazing.
    The best thermal performance was calculated for the window fitted with vacuum double
    glazing. The thermal performance of the single-glazed window fitted with secondary glazing
    was not as good as that with vacuum glazing, but better than the other slim-profile doubleglazing
    systems (with one minor exception). Better thermal performance was calculated for
    slim-profile double glazing when fitted into Victorian style ‘1 over 1’ windows compared to
    Georgian style ‘6 over 6’ windows.
    Inert gases account for a significant proportion of the embodied energy in most doubleglazing
    systems with xenon carrying a particular high embodied energy.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherHistoric Scotland
    Number of pages60
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


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