Highly tunable ground and excited state excitonic dipoles in multilayer 2H-MoSe2

Feng Shun, Aidan J. Campbell, Mauro Brotons i Gisbert, Daniel Andres-Penares, Hyeonjun Baek, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Bernhard Urbaszek, Iann C. Gerber, Brian D. Gerardot*

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The fundamental properties of an exciton are determined by the spin, valley, energy, and spatial wavefunctions of the Coulomb-bound electron and hole. In van der Waals materials, these attributes can be widely engineered through layer stacking configuration to create highly tunable interlayer excitons with static out-of-plane electric dipoles, at the expense of the strength of the oscillating in-plane dipole responsible for light-matter coupling. Here we show that interlayer excitons in bi- and tri-layer 2H-MoSe2 crystals exhibit electric-field-driven coupling with the ground (1s) and excited states (2s) of the intralayer A excitons. We demonstrate that the hybrid states of these distinct exciton species provide strong oscillator strength, large permanent dipoles (up to 0.73 ± 0.01 enm), high energy tunability (up to ~200 meV), and full control of the spin and valley characteristics such that the exciton g-factor can be manipulated over a large range (from −4 to +14). Further, we observe the bi- and tri-layer excited state (2s) interlayer excitons and their coupling with the intralayer excitons states (1s and 2s). Our results, in good agreement with a coupled oscillator model with spin (layer)-selectivity and beyond standard density functional theory calculations, promote multilayer 2H-MoSe2 as a highly tunable platform to explore exciton-exciton interactions with strong light-matter interactions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number4377
JournalNature Communications
Publication statusPublished - 23 May 2024


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