Halal Beef Handling in Nigeria: The Abattoir Workers’ Perspective

Carrie Amani Annabi, Jinadu Lolade Ahmed

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Despite Nigeria‟s large Muslim population of 77.3 million citizens, very little research has been carried out in terms
    of addressing Halal needs in Nigeria. This study reviewed the perspective of abattoir workers‟ involved with Halal
    beef in two abattoirs in Abuja. The research made use of primary data gathered by conducting telephone interviews,
    using semi-structured interview questions. Although the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration Control
    (NAFDAC) guidelines which govern Halal beef handling in Nigeria proved to have commonalities with those
    recommended by the Jurisdiction of Department of Islamic Development in Malaysia, (JAKIM), the findings
    revealed that there was a general lack of awareness about either of those guidelines amongst the abattoir workers
    interviewed. The abattoir workers that participated indicated that their perception of what constitutes Halal beef
    handling best practice was based on personal opinion. Thus, there is the need to create better awareness on the current
    guidelines for Halal beef handling provided by NAFDAC. Furthermore there is a need for Halal beef handling
    training for the abattoir workers in Nigeria. This was evidenced in the fact that additional Halal beef logistics
    activities such as packaging, storage and transportation were found to be carried out by third party logistics (3PLs)
    organizations which made it difficult to ascertain the Halal integrity of the Halal beef supply chain.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages16
    JournalJournal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • Halal
    • Halal Beef
    • Halal Logistics
    • Nigerian Halal Beef
    • Halal Supply Chain

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Economics, Econometrics and Finance(all)


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