Graphene oxide doped SU-8 waveguide and its application as saturable absorber

Khairul Zafri Mustafa, Wu Yi Chong, Mohd Haniff Ibrahim, Yuen Kiat Yap, Fauzan Ahmad, Choon Kong Lai, Nur Afiqah Mohd Ariffin, Harith Ahmad

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    3 Citations (Scopus)
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    GO doped SU-8 waveguides have been fabricated and characterized. The GO doped SU-8 can be processed using standard photolithography parameters. The optical characteristics of the developed waveguides are determined using fibre-butt coupling and cut-back method. Propagation loss of 1.9 dB/cm and a coupling loss of 4 dB per point measured at 1550 nm wavelength are obtained. Q-switched laser operation is achieved by inserting a 3 mm GO doped SU-8 waveguide into a ring fibre laser configuration, making it a potential candidate as integrated saturable absorber for on-chip polymer waveguide applications.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number2201207
    Number of pages7
    JournalIEEE Photonics Journal
    Issue number5
    Early online date14 Sept 2017
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2017


    • Graphene oxide
    • Optical waveguide
    • saturable absorber
    • SU-8 polymer

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
    • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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