Graphene nano-, micro- and macro-photonics

R. M. De La Rue, H. Ahmad, S. Wadi Harun, W. Chong, Y. K. Yap, C. H. Pua, M. Z. Zulkifli, N. M. Huang, S. Abbasirazgaleh, M. Sorel, M. Strain

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    Graphene has already become an established medium for novel photonic devices and their applications. In some cases, e.g. the use of graphene as a non-linear medium with saturable absorption properties, it is experimentally convenient to use the readily available form that is known as graphene oxide. Moreover, technological and scientific developments that are advancing control of the properties of graphene for electronic applications are also likely to be applicable in photonic and optoelectronic devices. This presentation will review research in the field of graphene photonics across the world. It will address, in particular, its application as a saturable absorber, e.g. for pulsed operation of fibre lasers - as well as work on materials characterisation of deposited graphene films. Patterning of graphene films with precision at the micro- and nano-scales will be an important requirement - and will be considered in this presentation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2012)
    ISBN (Electronic)9781467322294
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Aug 2012


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