Fully Resolved Direct Numerical Simulation of a Liquid Fluidized Bed

Ali Ozel, O. Masbernat, J.-L. Estivalezes, Stéphane Vincent, M. Abbas, Olivier Simonin, J. C. Brändle de Motta

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We present some results issued from the fully resolved direct numerical simulations of a 3-D liquid-solid fluidized bed, experimentally investigated by Aguilar Corona (2008). In these simulations, the flow is solved by a one-fluid formulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, where the pressure-velocity coupling is provided by an algebraic augmented Lagrangian method and particles presence is modeled by an implicit penalty fictitious domain method, a sub-grid scale lubrication force and soft-sphere collision model. The simulated fluidized bed is a 8 cm diameter, 64 cm height cylindrical column containing 2133 6 mm glass particles fluidized by a low viscosity liquid (3.8x10-3 Pa.s). Particle Reynolds and Stokes number based on terminal velocity are 530 and 7.7 respectively. Simulation results show that homogeneous fluidization regime is obtained for all fluidization velocities investigated, and exhibit large-scale coherent structures in the particle motion. Main features of the Lagrangian velocity signal of the particles are well reproduced by the simulations. Predicted fluidization law nicely fits the experimental curve. Despite the limited time of simulation runs, particle velocity variance is also well predicted as well as the value of the anisotropy coefficient, which is found to be independent of bed concentration. The fluid velocity variance is larger than that of the particles at all bed concentration investigated, following the same trend as Aguilar Corona’s data (2008).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2013
Event8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow - International Convention Center Jeju, Jeju, Korea, Republic of
Duration: 26 May 201331 May 2013


Conference8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow
Abbreviated titleICMF 2013
Country/TerritoryKorea, Republic of


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