Fracture Conductivity Effect in DFN modelling Using Carbonate Outcrop Data

Faisal Aljuboori, Jang Lee, Khaled Elraies, Karl Dunbar Stephen

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Synthetic well testing is an important tool in understanding the fracture system behaviour under flow condition. Different fracture sets have been used to identify the well performance and fracture network connectivity. Five models have built using outcrop fracture data set, and they have tested using the well test response.

Although the same outcrop have used in building the models, and they having quite similar statistical analysis, different results have obtained. Further analysis of the fluid flow and result visualization have shown different degree of fracture connectivity in each fracture set in the models which turn into different pressure response. Moreover, comparing the statistical analysis and the well test results referred to a higher density of fracture may not necessary refers to higher fracture conductivity.

Therefore, using outcrop analogue data in real field fracture modelling required incorporating all the available well measurements such as production logging survey or other well measurements to calibrate the DFN models in the produced interval to improve the history matching and prediction scenarios.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 18 Dec 2017
Event3rd International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation & Optimization for Geosciences & Petroleum Engineering 2017 - Universi Technologi Petronas, Perak, Malaysia
Duration: 17 Dec 201718 Dec 2017


Conference3rd International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation & Optimization for Geosciences & Petroleum Engineering 2017
Abbreviated titleMSO-Geo&PE17
Internet address


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