Financial Big Data Solutions for State Space Panel Regression in Interest Rates Dynamics

Dorota Toczydlowska, Gareth W. Peters

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A novel class of dimension reduction methods is combined with a stochastic multi-factor panel regression-based state-space model in order to model the dynamic of yield curves whilst incorporating regression factors. This is achieved via Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA) in which new statistically robust variants are derived also treating missing data. We embed the rank reduced feature extractions into a stochastic representation for state-space models for yield curve dynamics and compare the results to classical multi-factor dynamic Nelson-Siegel state-space models. This leads to important new representations of yield curve models that can be practically important for addressing questions of financial stress testing and monetary policy interventions which can incorporate efficiently financial big data. We illustrate our results on various financial and macroeconomic data sets from the Euro Zone and international market.
Original languageEnglish
Article number34
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jul 2018


  • Feater Extraction
  • Interest Rates
  • State Space Models
  • dynamic models
  • financial big data
  • probabilistic PCA
  • yield curves


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