Few-Shot Teamwork

Elliot Fosong, Arrasy Rahman, Ignacio Carlucho, Stefano V. Albrecht

Research output: Working paperPreprint

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We propose the novel few-shot teamwork (FST) problem, where skilled agents trained in a team to complete one task are combined with skilled agents from different tasks, and together must learn to adapt to an unseen but related task. We discuss how the FST problem can be seen as addressing two separate problems: one of reducing the experience required to train a team of agents to complete a complex task; and one of collaborating with unfamiliar teammates to complete a new task. Progress towards solving FST could lead to progress in both multi-agent reinforcement learning and ad hoc teamwork.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 19 Jul 2022


  • cs.MA
  • cs.AI


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