Extremely broadband single-shot cross-correlation frequency-resolved optical gating using a transient grating as gate and dispersive element

Heli Valtna-Lukner, Federico Belli, Alexey Ermolov, F. Köttig, K. F. Mak, Francesco Tani, J. C. Travers, Philip St. J. Russell

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A cross-correlation frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG) concept, potentially suitable for characterizing few or sub-cycle pulses in a single shot, is described in which a counter-propagating transient grating is used as both the gate and the dispersive element in a FROG spectrometer. An all-reflective setup, which can operate over the whole transmission range of the nonlinear medium, within the sensitivity range of the matrix sensor, is also proposed, and proof-of-principle experiments for the ultraviolet and visible-to-near-infrared spectral ranges are reported.
Original languageEnglish
Article number073106
JournalReview of Scientific Instruments
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 26 Jul 2017


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