Exploring public attention in the circular economy through topic modelling with twin hyperparameter optimisation

Junhao Song, Yingfang Yuan, Kaiwen Chang, Bing Xu, Jin Xuan, Wei Pang*

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To advance the circular economy (CE), it is crucial to gain insights into the evolution of public attention, cognitive pathways related to circular products, and key public concerns. To achieve these objectives, we collected data from diverse platforms, including Twitter, Reddit, and The Guardian, and utilised three topic models to analyse the data. Given the performance of topic modelling may vary depending on hyperparameter settings, we proposed a novel framework that integrates twin (single- and multi-objective) hyperparameter optimisation for CE analysis. Systematic experiments were conducted to determine appropriate hyperparameters under different constraints, providing valuable insights into the correlations between CE and public attention. Our findings reveal that economic implications of sustainability and circular practices, particularly around recyclable materials and environmentally sustainable technologies, remain a significant public concern. Topics related to sustainable development and environmental protection technologies are particularly prominent on The Guardian, while Twitter discussions are comparatively sparse. These insights highlight the importance of targeted education programmes, business incentives adopt CE practices, and stringent waste management policies alongside improved recycling processes.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100433
JournalEnergy and AI
Early online date22 Oct 2024
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024


  • Circular economy
  • Hyperparameter optimisation
  • Machine learning
  • Pulic attention
  • Topic modelling

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Energy
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Engineering (miscellaneous)


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