Exploring facilitators and barriers to older adults’ continued engagement in leisure activities: A thematic analysis

Research output: Working paperPreprint


Background: An active and engaged lifestyle is beneficial for older adults’ health. However, there are many potential facilitators and barriers of engagement in leisure activities. Methods: Twenty-two older adults aged 69-81 (59% female) participated in one of four focus groups approximately 2-3 years after their previous participation in an activity-based intervention study. Discussions explored the facilitators and barriers to continued engagement in: 1) activities people were supported to try during the intervention study, 2) leisure activities generally, 3) new activities, and 4) reengagement after a break of any duration. Results: Deductive thematic analysis grouped participants’ responses into internal and external facilitators and barriers relating to the four types of engagement. Discussion: The study helps in understanding why leisure activities are important to older adults and the purpose they fulfil. It is important that older adults have access to valued, fulfilling activities, and local authorities should prioritise increasing their provision.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jul 2024


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